We understand that sending your child back to school may have been a difficult decision for many of you. We wanted to create this page to try and support you in preparing yourselves and your child/children for their return to school. Although school is usually a very familiar environment for your child things will be different when they return. We hope that the photos, resources and guidance set out on this page will help you communicate some of these changes to your child before they return.
UPDATE – Please click here for detailed guidance for parents for children in all years.
New – Back to school video from Worcestershire Children’s First to share with your child/children to prepare them for their return to school.
New – Back to school workbook – this has some useful pages to help support discussions and prepare your child for their return to school
Please share the rules that the children will see displayed around school:
Here are some stories that you may want to share with your child/children :
- Everybody worries by Jon Burgerman published by Oxford University Press.
- While we can’t hug by Eoin McLaughlin and illustrated by Polly Dunbar
Below is a lovely poster created by Worcestershire Speech and Language Therapy Service. Please share with your children to help them understand how they can interact and communicate safely with others whilst socially distancing.
The Speech and Language Therapy team have created some visuals that you may want to share with your children to explain new rules:
This is also highlights some of the changes in school and may be helpful to talk about before your child/children return
This is an activity sheet with visuals that you may want to talk about and complete to help your child reflect on their experiences of lock down: