The Joint Governing Body of Catshill Middle School and Catshill First School and Nursery Federation.

The Governing Body works with the Headteacher and other members of the Senior Leadership Team to fulfil statutory duties and to drive school improvement. The Governing Body is made up of parent, staff and co-opted representatives.

School governors have a wide range of responsibilities. They support the Headteacher in leading the school and act as a ‘critical friend’. They have a strategic role in setting aims and objectives, agreeing targets, budgets, policies and priorities and in monitoring effectiveness. The Governing Body also evaluates the school’s performance through results and data, outside agency reports and the School Improvement Plan.

The Governing Body meets as a whole group each term. Governors are updated with reports from both schools and ask questions to help monitor progress towards achieving agreed aims and targets. There are also two smaller committees who meet regularly, the School Improvement Committee and the Staffing, Finance and Premises Committee. These committee groups focus on specific aspects of the school and report back to the full governing body.

We have a Safeguarding Governor who monitors Safeguarding / Child Protection procedures and the Single Central Record.

Governors visit the school regularly and talk to staff and pupils. Governors also attend school events and are always willing to talk to parents / carers.

Catherine Shearwood, Chair of Governors.

All Governors can be contacted via the Clerk to Governors, Mrs W Gardner at

Our Governors

Governing Body 2024 – 2025, Committees, Declaration of Interest, and Attendance 2023 – 2024