Our aim at Catshill First School & Nursery is to make sure our children feel safe and secure both inside school and at home. Staff work together to make sure that our pupils’ wellbeing is our top priority.
We have a responsibility to our pupils to take swift and rightful action if there is cause for concern with any child. If concerns are raised with any member of staff, or they feel concerned about a pupil at Catshill First School & Nursery, staff will follow our safeguarding policy.
Our policy is reviewed annually, shared with all staff and governors and can be viewed here.
It is our responsibility to safeguard pupils at CFSN and childhood abuse is completely unacceptable.
We have guidance to follow when any staff may start having reason to suspect child safety may be at risk. The priority is to safeguard the child/family, and we will work closely with other departments and outside agencies to achieve this.
All staff and volunteers who work at Catshill First School & Nursery will undergo an enhanced DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) check before employment as well as undertaking relevant safeguarding training and receiving annual updates as appropriate.
Our safeguarding training includes Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE,) Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) the Prevent Strategy, Online Safety, and Peer on Peer abuse; including Sexual Harassment.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr R. Duerden.
The Deputy Designated Leads are Mrs P Wainman, Mrs G Plant and Miss J. Shingler.
The Governor with responsibility for safeguarding is Catherine Shearwood.
Family Front Door.
If you believe that a child or young person is at immediate risk from harm contact the Police by telephone: 999
If you want to refer a child or young person to Children’s social care in an emergency please contact the Family Front Door.
If you do need to speak to Family Front Door by phone, you can call 01905 822666
Staff are available Monday to Thursday from 9.00am to 5.00pm and Fridays from 9.00am to 4.30pm.
For assistance out of office hours (weekdays and all day at weekends and bank holidays): telephone: 01905 768020
Child Exploitation and Online Protection command.
CEOP help children stay safe online. If anybody acts inappropriately towards you or another child or young person online (such as sexual chat, or being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable); you can report it here.
Supporting Families
Our school offer which outlines how parents and families can access Support for Children and Families is here.