This communication comes from Denise Hannibal the Worcestershire Children First Safeguarding Lead.
“Today we are launching a guide for parents and carers on online sexual harassment and how they can support children to stay safe online.” Please use this link to access the new website to support families!

Guide for parents

An overriding message is that parents should start these challenging conversations early. Our focus groups suggest broaching topics before a child is given a phone or a social media account, which is often around the age of 9 or 10. The guide focuses on issues such as:

  • Easily accessed online pornography
  • Pressure to send nude pictures
  • Sexualised bullying
  • Editing pictures and body image
  • Peer pressure

We hope that this guide will serve as a useful starting point to raise awareness and understanding of online harassment and to complement messages central to the new RSE curriculum.

Below are some additional resources to help parents ensure their children can stay safe online. Also, information about setting up an iPhone and Android to stay safe!

Catshill First School and Nursery Acceptable Use Policy for all pupils

Please follow this link to access outstanding e-safety resources for all ages.

Hit this link to access Catshill Middle School’s recent presentation to the Bromsgrove Middle School Learning Partnership regarding e-safety.

If you feel that someone has been inappropriate or made you or someone you know feel uncomfortable online, you need to speak to a trusted adult and take immediate action.  The Child Exploitation and Online Protection command is a tool for children and parents to use if something has happened online and needs reporting. The most important thing to remember is whatever has happened it is not your fault, and you have done nothing wrong.

Once you have made a report, via CEOP, a Child Protection Advisor will contact you and make sure you receive the help you need. 

If you are not ready to speak to CEOP, you can talk to childline anonymously online or on the phone. No problem or worry is ever too big or small. 


Do I really need to check my child’s phone?

We understand that checking your child’s phone may feel uncomfortable for you and your child and there is a good chance your child may be resistant to this. However, a phone is an extremely powerful device, and it instantly gives children the world at their fingertips. When we give our children a smartphone we need to guide them to use it and complete transparency between parent and child goes hand in hand with being safe online.

Sit down with your child and explain it isn’t about knowing every detail about their life, their friendships or what films they are watching on Netflix but monitoring their usage is about making sure apps are being used safely, sensibly and correctly. 

The NSPCC campaign to keep children safe online and the below link will give you more guidance and information on how you can do this. 

NSPCC – Keeping children safe on-line.