Welcome to the Special Educational Needs section of our website. We hope that you find the information on this page useful.
However should you have any other concerns or queries please speak to the your child’s class teacher or the school SENCo Mrs Ludlow, who will be happy to help.
Here is a link to our school’s information report, this report outlines the support we provide for children with Special Educational needs at Catshill First School and Nursery.
This page is being developed – keep your eye out out for more useful links
Here are some links to Support Parents of children with SEND
Worcestershire Children’s First
Worcester Children’s First have recently developed a document to explain to parents some the support available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) in Worcestershire.
SEND Local Offer
Information and advice for children and young adults with disabilities and learning needs. The Local Offer provides information about provision families can expect to be available across education, health and social care for children and young people who have Special Educational Need (SEN) or are disabled, including those who do not have Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans. You can find out about resources, services, support, activities and events here
Speech and Language
Worcestershire Speech and Language Therapists have a wealth of resources to help at home and school.
The Speech and Language Therapy Service have been very busy making some wonderful resources and these are available below or from their website (above)
Listening and attention games and resources
- Early Years Listening rules cue cards
- Listening rules cue cards
- Listening games for home
- 5 ways to help children to listen
- No technology play ideas
Social and emotional visuals/resources
Visuals and tasks to support transition:
- My School Clothes – a task to help children who are new to the school to know what they will be wearing
- My Lunchbox – an activity that will help your child plan with you what their packed lunch might include
- My New School Hunt – for children who are new to our school here is a set of things to look out for in school
- Transition Questions – These may be some of the questions your children might wonder about prior to their return.
- Who? Where? When? What? questions to help prepare your child for transition into school in September
Resources for children’s worries
- Supporting anxious children page and the video to help you support your child/children who are anxious about current events.
- Big world, my world – helping your child understand the world and things they can and can’t control.
Learning at home
Help with learning from home.
- NEW – Autumn Walk
- Concept walk
- Syllable search
- Walk by numbers
- rainbow walk
- Everyday activities that count as learning
- Super Hero Challenges
- Unplugged games
Occupational Therapy (paediatric)
Here is the link for OT for Worcestershire. There are a number of videos and links on their website to support with a range of needs. Here are a few links that may help.
- Calming strategies leaflet – The proprioceptive sense
- The Under and Overactive Child – Universal Sensory Strategies to help leaflet
- Ready Steady, Relax – techniques to help children to relax and be calm leaflet
- Sleep and calming – Information to support healthy sleeping routines
- Pre-Writing Skills – Information for Patients & Carers
There is further advice and more specific information about the service on their website to view click here